Friday, September 14, 2007

Hi Yall

My name is Billy Bob Buggert and I's is a DIE HARD REPUBLICAN!!!!!!!!!!!! All them northern libral atheist satanics ain't never red no dam bibles in there lifes, that's is why they so dum and they's is gonna ruwin are grate nashun so we shood bugger down and try our damest to stop them all of them. Jesus in the bible the thing those librals ain't never red said 5 things and if you just read the gosples youll will no that these is what he sed:
1) The homersexools agenda ain't no good.
2) Aborshun being not agenst the law ain't no good.
4) Science ain't no good exepts when they make us some nice smart bombs but not when they's tell us that the world is older then 6 thousand years like it sais in the bible and when they's tell us about "globes clime at warming up chang stuff" cuz we no only God controls the whether and nuthin we do can change it.
5) Blessed are the peace loving peoples who make peace by freeing peoples by dropping bombs on them. that's is what we do that's is why we such a grate nashun only one nashun under God., we will keep bombing peoples and making everyone into good Chrishuns like this grate nashun should do.

So we's gonna keep doin how we doin cuz we grate and right all the time.

I'll chat at yall lata.